Research Associate for Digital Humanities (m/f/d)


Burckhardtweg, 37077 Göttingen
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Über den Job:

The GWDG is seeking a Research Associate for Digital Humanities (m/f/d) to join an interdisciplinary team of HPC experts in the working group “Computing” (AG C) with a regular working weekof 39 hours (100%). Remuneration is in accordance with the collective agreement for the German public service(federal government); depending on qualifications, the position will be graded from pay grade E 11 to pay grade E 13.The position is suitable for part-time work and initially limited to two years. The GWDG strives for long-termcooperation. If interested, there is the possibility of a doctorate. The Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG) is the university computing centerfor the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and a computing and IT competence center for the Max Planck Society.The provision of high-performance HPC systems has been one of its tasks for over 40 years. In 2020, the Universityof Göttingen / GWDG was accepted as one of eight computing centers in the National High-Performance Computing(NHR) network. The GWDG operates the HLRN-IV system “Emmy”, one of the most powerful computers in the world. As a national supercomputing center, the GWDG offers technical support to researchers and students from variousscience domains using sophisticated computer codes, including earth system science, life science, and engineering.We also participate in national and international research projects such as National Research Data Infrastructure(NFDI). To strengthen our HPC group, we are looking for a highly motivated candidate with expertise in applying High-Performance Computing to domain sciences. The successful candidate should also be an enthusiast of activelydriving development for innovative computing technologies in the science domain. The GWDG together with the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Campus Institute Data Science(CIDAS) of the University of Göttingen provides a stimulating research environment in Scientific Computing, with anopportunity to conduct research in the intersection of applied computer science, High-Performance Computing, AI,and Machine Learning. Aufgabenbereiche Responsibilities We have a wide range of potential responsibilities that we would like to discuss with you. Your responsibilities in ourteam could include, for example: Managing and developing HPC services in the area of Digital Humanities Being informed about recent developments in the field of Digital Humanities and emerging needs related toHPC Keeping in touch with customers and researchers from the field and communicating their needs to thedevelopers Advancing own research in the field of digital humanities utilizing our HPC systems Setting up exemplary projects for customers Creating prototypes with customers Writing of scientific publications and research grants Organizing events and participating as moderator or presenter Anforderungen Requirements Experience in the field of Digital Humanities Degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, or Natural Sciences Experience with using of the Linux Operating System Experience in scripting languages e.g., Python and shell Excellent analytical skills Excellent communication skills Fluent in written and spoken English Desirable Experience in working with HPC systems Experience with service-oriented user support Experience with DevOps practices Experience in developing or using parallel scientific codes Experience with data management or large-scale data Basic knowledge of German Unser Angebot Our offer Flexible working hours and opportunity for mobile working A modern, diverse, and exceptional work environment with close proximity to academia and research at theintersection of several innovative technology sectors An interesting, versatile job in a large, internationally operating IT competence center Collaboration in a competent and committed team Qualification and further development of your skills Social benefits of the public sector Ihre Bewerbung The GWDG strives for gender equity and diversity and therefore welcomes applications from any background. TheGWDG strives to employ more severely disabled people. Applications from severely disabled persons are expresslyencouraged. Have we sparked your interest? Then please send us your application by 28.03.2025 via our online form . If you have any questions about the advertised position, please contact Prof. Dr. Julian Kunkel (e-mail: or Dr. Christian Boehme (e-mail:

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