Über den Job:
Starting date is 3/1/2025. The position is limited to 29.02.2028. PhD position(all genders welcome) Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L/66% This is a fixed-term position (3 years) with a starting date as soon as possible. For further information or enquiries please contact Dr. Rachel Bezard apply.job.25124980@hokifyjob.com Please upload your application in one pdf file including the usual documents until 1/15/2025 on the application portal of the university using this link: http://obp.uni-goettingen.de/de-de/OBF/Index/74749. For more information get in touch with Rachel Bezard directly via E-Mail: apply.job.25124980@hokifyjob.com Tel. +49 55139 28535 .
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Job-ID.: 25124980
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