Electronics technician (f/m/d)

MPI f. Sonnensystemforschung

Justus-von-Liebig-Weg, 37077 Göttingen
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Über den Job:

The Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Göttingen isone of the world's leading research institutions in the field of solar physicsand planetary research with around 300 employees. The interdisciplinaryresearch focus is the investigation of the development, diversity anddynamics of planets, moons, small bodies, the sun and solar-like stars.The MPS develops and operates scientific instruments for current andfuture space missions (e.g. ESA, NASA), and carries out cosmochemicallaboratory investigations of meteorites as well as numerical modeling onstate-of-the-art supercomputers.

For the development of the electronics of a plasma spectrometer for theESA project study "Plasma Observatory", the institute seeks applicationsfor an

Electronics technician (f/m/d

Your Tasks / Your Qualification

Assembly and soldering of space-qualified electronics parts onelectronic boards for a plasma spectrometer (partly in clean roomfacilities)

  • Performance of functional and environmental tests of electronics fora plasma spectrometer in calibration vacuum chambers

  • Performance of particle beam tests of plasma spectrometer ataccelerators

Your Qualification

  • Optional training as a state-certified technician

  • Experience in the field of measurement and control technology

  • Experience in the design of analog and digital electronics

  • Experience in circuit board design (Altium Designer / Eagle / OrCador similar)

  • Experience in qualified assembly and qualified solderingtechnology

  • Willingness to travel occasionally

  • Willingness to work in clean rooms and to comply with the requiredregulations

  • High motivation, problem solving attitude, be a continuous learner,


As an electronics technician, you will work as part of an international teamon electronics hardware for a scientific space instrument in closecollaboration with the project team as well as national and international partners and team player

Application deadline is 15 July 2024. •

The full-time position can be filled starting 15 August 2024 or later.Employment is initially limited until the end of 2026 with a possibleextension if the mission will be selected

  • Remuneration is TVöD-Bund E9a, depending on qualification andwork experience

  • Temporary teleworking can be negotiated

  • Social security benefits are in accordance with the public serviceregulations.

We look forward to receiving your informative application documents (cover letter, CV,references, certificates). Please submit these via the digital application portal


If you have any questions, please do nothesitate to contact Henning Fischer apply.job.21962837@hokifyjob.com

The Max-Planck-Gesellschaft endeavours to achieve gender equality and diversity.Furthermore, the Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in thoseareas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women toapply. The Max Planck Society is committed to increasing the number of individuals withdisabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualifiedindividuals

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Job-ID.: 21962837

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