Groom for Horses / Show groom for Horses

Bernd Schopf Pferdehaltung

Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße, 28329 Bremen
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Über den Job:

We, "Turnierstall Carrie & Bernd Schopf", are an international Dressage Show-Barn with 6 - 8 Horses in Bremen.

We are looking for a reliable groom, to be employed full time, responsible for taking care of the horses, the stalls, and some duties in the barn.

Groom for Horses

Show groom for Horses

[Your profile:]()

  • You have experience with horses as a show groom, preferably for dressage, and working in a horse barn

  • You are open to learn

  • You speak either German or English in a way that enables the necessary communication

  • You are fit enough for the job and you like horses

What we offer:

  • An interesting, responsible job in a professional and ambitious environment within a team

  • Above average salary with the possibility of a company flat

  • Living in a city

  • Support and sufficient time to familiarize yourself with your tasks

If you are interested in becoming part of our team, please send your resume, the earliest possible date for you to start, and your salary expectations to Frau Irmgard Selke:

+49 421 4101609

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Job-ID.: 21722762

Zuletzt aktualisiert vor 6 Tagen



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