3 Tätigkeitsbereiche
1 Standort
Tripidi GmbH
Über Uns
Tripidi a “place for special things”
TRIPIDI is a coinage which stems from the melodic extension of the English word «trip».
For our Chinese target group the word Tripidi got translated into mandarin and translates
into «place for special things».
The development of our brand-name is based on a survey of people from all continents
of the world who confirmed that TRIPIDI can be pronounced without difficulties in all
important languages.
The visualisation of the brand was developed from a we...
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Tripidi GmbH
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Verkäufer (m/w/d) am Flughafen
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Verkäufer (m/w/d) am Flughafen
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Stellv. Storemanager (m/w/d)
Tripidi GmbH -
Verkäufer (m/w/d) am Flughafen
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Storemanager (m/w/d) in Vollzeit
Tripidi GmbH -
Verkäufer (m/w/d) am Flughafen
Tripidi GmbH -
Verkaufsberater (m/w/d) am Flughafen
Tripidi GmbH
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